The DISC-covery® System, (A non-surgical Disc Recovery Program) at
Bodywork Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. is uniquely designed as a safe and natural alternative to drugs and invasive surgery for individuals suffering from neck or back pain. This method has been designed, developed, and researched for the last several years in our clinic with hundreds of satisfied patients.
DISC-covery® offers advanced technologies that can provide relief to patients who suffer from disc-related conditions such as the following:
Today, low back pain is one of the most significant health problems facing Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health. Over 80% of all adults will experience severe back pain sometime in their lives.
Since 2005, Bodywork Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. has provided this specialized program for relieving neck and back pain and related conditions—without drugs or surgery. Bodywork doctors consult individual patients and determine their program of care on a mild, moderate, or severe protocol.
Chiropractic care, along with therapy and exercise, will help most patients with less complicated spinal problems. For patients who have not responded to conventional care and are not ready for surgery, DISC-covery® may be the answer.
Each patient must first qualify for this unique program through an examination and the appropriate spinal imaging. Patients without severe complications have a success rate that is nearly 90%. DISC-covery® is another example of 21st-century technology available to patients seeking natural health care in our office.
Those interested in the DISC-covery® system for DISC relief prior to a consultation are asked to fill out the DISC-covery® questionnaire.
If reviewed by a Doctor and a consult/exam is requested the following generally takes place:
Diagnostic images are reviewed (X-ray, CT, MRI)
A comprehensive orthoneurological and Chiropractic evaluation is performed to identify any evidence of nerve damage and any complicating factors. A diagnosis will be based on the patient’s symptoms, disability, length of time suffering, age, and general health. If accepted for care, the treatment protocols follow a program of care based on the degree of the patient’s disorder and condition:
Mild, Moderate, or Severe. The care plan including frequency and length of time will be explained as well as cost at the follow-up Report of Findings visit.
Each protocol is designed to provide relief as soon as possible, improve spinal function, with pre and post testing, and strengthen areas of weakness to insure maximum recovery.
Non-surgical/Drug-Free Neck and Back Pain Relief A human at Powell Chiropractic's DISC-covery® Program
Welcome to Bodywork Chiropractic's website for the DISC-covery® Program!
We encourage you to fill out our short questionnaire to find out if the
DISC-covery® Program is right for you.
Do you suffer from neck pain, low back pain, both, or have other symptoms?
Choose an option
Non-surgical/Drug-Free Neck and Back Pain Relief A human at Powell Chiropractic's DISC-covery® Program
Welcome to Bodywork Chiropractic's website for the DISC-covery® Program!
We encourage you to fill out our short questionnaire to find out if the
DISC-covery® Program is right for you.
Do you suffer from neck pain, low back pain, both, or have other symptoms?
Choose an option
The unique methods of the DISC-covery® program developed by Bodywork Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. combine the most effective, non-surgical ways of providing disc treatment, including chiropractic adjustments to the specific vertebrae involved with the disc disorder.
The adjustment initially reduces the disc pressure and can improve nerve flow to relieve pain: the goal is to achieve relief of symptoms as soon as possible. The vertebrae above and below the disc, if fixated or sub luxated (out of alignment or not moving properly) prevents the disc from fluid nourishment causing dehydration and degeneration the pressure is prolonged with a swollen or bulging disc the adjustment may help to return the disc to its normal position and height. Combining the adjustment and flexibility therapy starts the healing process by reducing ligament and muscle tension that is creating pressure in that area of the spine.
We create more flexibility in the spine and intervertebral joints through flexibility
therapy. This process gently stretches the spinal muscles and ligaments while
providing percussion therapy to each vertebrae involved. Often, this alone pro-
vides incredible relief.
Combining the adjustment and flexibility therapy will start the healing process by
reducing ligament and muscle tension that is creating pressure in that area of the
Next we use computerized DRX9000 spinal disc decompression therapy to the problematic vertebral joint/disc. Using specific intermittent traction, the soft tissue (muscles and ligaments) around the involved area can relax, allowing the disc space to open and re-hydrate the disc material, promoting healing. Following disc decompression by therapeutic electric muscle stimulation assists in decreasing muscle tension and spasms for more complete recovery and relief.
When pain/symptoms have decreased and progress established, specific func-tional spinal rehabilitative care including stretching and exercises begins. With the advanced technology of our MedX equipment, we can assess the strength of spinal stabilizing muscles and create a unique exercise program focused on in-creasing strength and improving ROM. Spinal rehabilitation re-establishes proper muscle activation and function which is a key component to complete recovery.
Providing the body with the proper nutrients to accelerate healing is also an essential part of the Disc-Covery® System. If the spinal problem is acute (recent) or chronic (long standing) supporting the tissues with the correct vitamins and minerals assist in reducing inflammation and tissue regeneration.
The combination of the 5 step system has brought results we have never experienced before. If you are suffering with a painful disc disorder, consider DISC-covery®.
If you are suffering with a disc-related disorder, contact us to set up a consultation with one of our doctors to learn if the DISC-covery® System is right for you!
9th Flr. Garden Oaks Tower, 101 Hillcroft, New Orelans, LA 70114, United States